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It's In The Details:  Art by Hazel Glass, Sienna Art, Michele Sabatier, Yathzi Turcot and Becca Drach

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Work in progress by Hazel Glass

"How did they DO that?"  You will find yourself asking that question a lot in this spectacular artist group - whether it's meticulously cut paper layers, encaustic mixed media, photography, oil paint or teeny tiny scientific equations that make up larger imagery, each works with detail in their own way.  Come meet them at the gallery during our First Thursday art party, where we will be part of the Williams District First Thursday Art Walk.  (More details below)

First Thursday, April 4, 6-8 pm

3535 N. Vancouver Ave.

Portland, Oregon

Gallery hours:

Wednesdays-Fridays noon-6 pm

Saturdays-Sundays noon-4 p.m.


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Work in progress by Sienna Art

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By Yathzi Turcot


By Becca Drach

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By Michele Sabatier

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